Welcome to the OGGM tutorials!
Welcome to the OGGM tutorials!#
If you are new to jupyter notebooks or to jupyterlab, we recommend to have a look at our introduction to jupyter notebooks first!
If you are reading this from our webpage (https://oggm.org/tutorials), remember that each page displayed here is in fact a jupyter notebook! You can start an interactive version of these tutorials online with MyBinder by clicking on the “launch button” on the top right of this page (the little rocket 🚀).
Ready to go?
Beginner tutorials:
getting_started will get you through all the steps of an OGGM run and explain the OGGM fundamentals
working_with_rgi will show you how to read glacier outline files
store_and_compress_glacierdirs: storing glacier directories for later use
elevation_bands_vs_centerlines: comparing the two methods to compute glacier flowlines
plot_mass_balance: fetch and plot the simulated mass-balance as well as other diagnostics
area_length_filter: a short tutorial about how to filter spikes in the area and length outputs
run_with_gcm: run a simulation with GCM data (CMIP5 projections)
deal_with_errors: dealing with errors after a run
inversion: run the OGGM ice thickness inversion model with various ice parameters
hydrological_output: hydrological mass-balance output - New in version 1.5!
oggm_shop: getting acquainted with the ideas behind GlacierDirectories in OGGM and how you can use the shop to add data to them
Advanced tutorials:
preprocessing_errors: error analysis of the global pre-processing workflow
run_with_a_spinup_and_gcm_data: start from a glacier state different than the inventory date
dynamical_spinup: dynamic spinup for past simulations
dem_sources: create local topography maps from different DEM sources with OGGM
thickness_model: use OGGM to extract gridded attributes on a glacier (e.g. slope) and make a toy statistical model of ice thickness
inversion_with_frontal_ablation: a case study about ice thickness inversion with frontal ablation
kcalving_parameterization: the Oerlemans & Nick frontal ablation parameterization in OGGM
merging_glaciers: a tutorial about how to merge two or more glaciers for advancing glacier scenarios
use_your_own_inventory: use custom glacier inventories with OGGM - New in version 1.5.3!
centerlines_to_shape: compute the centerlines for a custom inventory and DEM and write them to disk - New in version 1.5.3!
massbalance_calibration: yet another way to show how the mass-balance calibration works, and tweak the model a little bit
where_are_the_flowlines: how to access the OGGM flowlines location before, during, and after a run.
ingest_gridded_data_on_flowlines: ingest gridded products such as ice velocity into OGGM (and compare them with model output) - New in version 1.5.3!
merge_gcm_runs_and_visualize: how to merge different GCM runs into one dataset, analyse them on a regional scale and visualize with HoloViz
Other things:
holoviz_intro: an introduction to the HoloViz vizualisation ecosystem (previously called PyViz)
dem_comparison: compare the various DEMs available in OGGM
Have fun learning OGGM!
Package versions used to build this documentation:
# Package versions
from oggm.utils import show_versions
# OGGM environment:
## System info:
python: 3.10.10.final.0
python-bits: 64
OS: Linux
OS-release: 5.15.0-1033-azure
machine: x86_64
processor: x86_64
## Packages info:
oggm: 1.5.3
numpy: 1.23.5
scipy: 1.9.3
pandas: 1.5.3
geopandas: 0.12.2
netCDF4: 1.6.3
matplotlib: 3.7.1
rasterio: 1.3.6
fiona: 1.9.1
pyproj: 3.4.1
shapely: 2.0.1
xarray: 2023.2.0
dask: 2023.3.0
salem: 0.3.10.dev1+gfe1a230
OGGM git identifier: 4eeb7a964b58f27fc2e55163be768641f7f1ce20