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OGGM tutorials
10 minutes tutorials
10 minutes to… a preprocessed directory
10 minutes to… a glacier change projection with GCM data
10 minutes to… OGGM as an accelerator for machine learning
10 minutes to… understand the new dynamical spinup in OGGM v1.6
OGGM workflow
Working with the RGI and prepare glaciers for a run
Storing glacier directories for later use
Dealing with errors after a run
Differences between the “elevation band” and “centerline” flowlines
Step-by-Step guide to building preprocessed directories from scratch
What’s in my preprocessed directories? A full centerlines workflow, step by step
Mass balance
A look into the new mass balance calibration in OGGM v1.6
Plotting the OGGM surface mass-balance, the ELA and AAR
Global distribution of the mass-balance model parameters
Mass balance parameter perturbation experiments with OGGM
Hydrological output
Hydrological mass-balance output
Glaciers as water resources (OGGM-Edu part 1 - idealized)
Glaciers as water resources (OGGM-Edu part 2 - projections)
Dynamical runs
Run with a long spinup and GCM data
Dynamic spinup and dynamic
calibration for past simulations
Understand the difference between the ice dynamic solvers in OGGM
“Instructed OGGM”: running IGM within the OGGM workflow
Ice thickness
Ice thickness inversion
Dynamic model initialization using observed thickness data
The Oerlemans & Nick frontal ablation parameterization in OGGM
OGGM shop and additional data
OGGM-Shop and Glacier Directories in OGGM
Using your our own glacier inventory with OGGM
Ingest gridded products such as ice velocity into OGGM
Create local topography maps from different DEM sources with OGGM
Compare different DEMs for individual glaciers: RGI-TOPO for RGI v6.0
RGI-TOPO for RGI 7.0
Visualisation and post-processing
Display glacier area and thickness changes on a grid
OGGM flowlines: where are they?
Compute smoother centerlines for shapefile output
Error analysis of the global pre-processing workflow
Merge, analyse and visualize OGGM GCM runs
Small overview of HoloViz capability of data exploration
Tutorials in (re-)construction
Ice thickness inversion with frontal ablation
Filter the glacier length and area time series
Suggest edit
Open issue
The Oerlemans & Nick frontal ablation parameterization in OGGM